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The Roles of the Drip Irrigation System

The Roles of the Drip Irrigation System

Today, I would like to introduce the main roles of the drip irrigation system:

1. Control the temperature and humidity. 

Traditional greenhouses with furrow irrigation system have a large amount of irrigation water for one time, and the ground is kept moist for a long time. Not only do the greenhouse temperature and ground temperature decrease too fast and rise too slowly, but also there is an increase in the evaporation capacity, and the indoor humidity is too high, which can easily lead to the occurrence of plant diseases and insect pests of vegetables or flowers. Because the drip irrigation belongs to the local micro-irrigation, most of the soil surface remains dry, and drip irrigation system emitters evenly and slowly supply water to the soil layer of the root system, which has obvious effects on the maintenance and recovery of ground temperature, reduction of water evaporation, and drop in indoor humidity. The system of drip irrigation under mulch is adopted, that is, the drip irrigation pipe (belt) is arranged under the mulch, so that the effect is better. In addition, we can implement high-frequency irrigation due to the convenient operation of the drip irrigation system. What's more, thanks to the small outflow hole, slow flow rate, long irrigation time every time and small change range of the soil moisture, the soil in the root zone can be controlled to keep close to the humidity most suitable for the growth of vegetables and flowers for a long time. Due to the control of indoor air humidity and soil moisture, the occurrence of pests and diseases can be significantly reduced, and then the amount of pesticides can be lowered.

2. Maintain soil structure. 

Under the effect of large amount of irrigation water in the traditional border irrigation system, the greenhouse soil is subject to more scouring, compaction and erosion. If the soil is not loosed in time, situations such as severe hardening, decreased aeration and damage to the soil structure to a certain extent will happen. However, because the drip irrigation belongs to micro-irrigation, when using drip irrigation system emitters, water slowly and evenly infiltrates into the soil, which can maintain the soil structure and form an appropriate water, fertilizer and heat environment for soil. 

3. Improve quality, and increase production and efficiency. 

The application of the sand filter drip irrigation system can significantly improve the quality of the product by reducing the application amount of water, fertilizer, pesticide and the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. In short, compared with traditional irrigation methods, the drip irrigation system in greenhouse and other facilities gardening can greatly improve product output, advance marketing time, and reduce the cost of water, fertilizer application, pesticide, labor and other inputs, so as to achieve significant economic and social benefits. The drip irrigation technology for facility gardening adapts to the requirements of modern agriculture featuring high yield, high efficiency and high quality, which is also the fundamental reason why it exists and gets promoted vigorously.

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