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Several Details That Need Attention in Drip Irrigation System

Several Details That Need Attention in Drip Irrigation System

1. Drip irrigation system should be adapted to local conditions

Drip irrigation has a low flow rate, and users often fail to see the irrigation process. If the irrigation time is too long, deep osmotic waste will occur; if the irrigation time is too short, the root system will experience water stress. It is necessary to understand the irrigation intensity of the irrigation system, plant water requirements and soil field water holding capacity, and irrigate according to plant water needs. The irrigation cycle and the amount of irrigation should be adjusted according to the climate and the different growth stages of the plants, and the same irrigation system cannot always be used.

2. Dripper used in drip irrigation system

Drippers are usually divided into two types, pressure-compensated and non-pressure-compensated. Although the pressure compensation type is more expensive, the effect is better. First, the pressure-compensated dripper can ensure that each dripper has even water output and uniform fertilization and irrigation; secondly, the partial pressure-compensated dripper can wash out the debris that blocks the dripper, and some pressure-compensated drippers have large flow channels , Generally, no blockage will occur.

3. Filter equipment of drip irrigation system

Many users mistakenly believe that well water does not need to be filtered. In fact, well water often contains coarse sand, fine sand and some chemicals, which block the dripper. Common filters in drip line irrigation systems include screens, laminates and media filters. If there is sand in the water, centrifugal filters should be used. Before installing the filtration system, the physical and chemical composition of the water quality should be analyzed, and appropriate filtration facilities and drippers should be adopted according to the water quality.

4. The drip irrigation system should prevent fertilizer from backflowing

Simultaneous application of water and fertilizer is the biggest advantage of drip irrigation. The growth of plant roots is water-oriented and fertile-oriented, and the application of fertilizer with irrigation water is most efficient. However, the use of fertilization irrigation system must have a device to prevent fertilizer backflow to prevent fertilizer from polluting groundwater and other water sources.

5. The drip irrigation system needs maintenance

Drip line irrigation systems need to be carefully maintained for optimal performance. Where conditions permit, drip irrigation pipes should be flushed frequently to ensure the smooth flow of equipment water. According to actual needs, periodically use effective chemical treatment methods to clean the pipeline.

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