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What Should We Do if the Drip Line Pipe is Damaged, the Drip Hole is Blocked, the Water Uniformity Decreases, and the Flow Rate is Small?

What Should We Do if the Drip Line Pipe is Damaged, the Drip Hole is Blocked, the Water Uniformity Decreases, and the Flow Rate is Small?

The drip line pipe can not only save water resources, save time, effort and labor, but also achieve the purpose of high yield and increased income. It is a good thing to kill many birds with one stone. The drip line pipe is wear-resistant, anti-aging and has a long service life. The emitter has the characteristics of turbulent flow, high efficiency, strong anti-clogging ability and even dripping water. The drip line pipe is an important irrigation device in the drip irrigation system. According to the requirements of crop on water, through the low-pressure pipe system and the emitter installed on the capillary tube, the water and nutrients needed by crops are dripped drop by drop, evenly and slowly into the soil of the crop root zone.

In the process of using the drip line pipe, there will be many problems. Even if a series of preventive work has been done before use, it is impossible to avoid problems. Emitter damage, drop hole blockage, poor uniformity of water outlet, small flow rate and so on are common problems of the equipment. What can be done to prevent these failures from happening again?

1. Correct selection of drip irrigation machinery.

① Through calculation or according to the design requirements, choose the appropriate water pump; By calculation, design the reasonable pipe diameter and pipe length of water supply, in order to achieve higher uniformity; Water supply pipes should be the anti-aging plastic pipe equipment.

② The irrigation emitter is an important part. The drip line pipe with uniform water outlet, strong anti-clogging ability and convenient installation and use must be selected.

③ Choose 120 mesh or 150 mesh irrigation filter mesh, which should have the advantages of corrosion resistance, easy washing, etc.

2. Correct installation of drip irrigation filter equipment.

① The installation of water supply pipes should adopt the two-way water distribution mode, and strive to balance the arrangement on both sides.

② In the installation process of the first hub, a pressure gauge and a valve should be installed at the front and back of the irrigation filter. The purpose is to observe the pressure difference at the front and back of the irrigation filter and to facilitate the adjustment of flow rate and pressure, and facilitate the cleaning of the irrigation filter.

3. Use the drip irrigation filter equipment correctly.

① The pressure of the system must be controlled, and the working pressure of the system should be controlled within the specified standard range.

② The irrigation filter is the primary component to ensure the normal work of the system, and must be cleaned frequently. If the filter mesh is damaged, replace it in time.

③ The drip line pipe is vulnerable to damage and should be carefully laid down and managed carefully. When it is idle, gently roll it up and do not trample it or drag it on the 


④ Strengthen management to prevent sundries from entering into the emitter or water supply pipe. If there are sundries, open the irrigation head in time and clean it.

⑤ When the temperature in the greenhouse is too low, corresponding measures should be taken to prevent freezing and cracking of plastic parts, water supply pipes and emitters.

⑥ During the drip irrigation, it is necessary to slowly open the valve and gradually increase the flow rate so as to exhaust air, reduce the impact pressure on the emitter and extend its service life.

Besides these, we need pay attention to lots of other issues, so the use of drip line pipe is not a simple work. In order to improve the efficiency of irrigation and indirectly increase the crop yield, we have a lot of work to do. The important thing to do now is to grasp the correct irrigation and operation method, and ensure that the occurrence frequency of failure will be reduced in the process of irrigation.

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