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Methods of Drip Fertigation in Greenhouse

Methods of Drip Fertigation in Greenhouse

With the continuous improvement of greenhouse production techniques, many new techniques and new facilities are widely used in the production of greenhouse greenhouses, bringing obvious economic and social benefits to producers. Hose drip irrigation is a water-saving and yield-increasing irrigation technique specially developed for the production in the greenhouse. It belongs to local irrigation, which makes the ground partially moist, without water accumulation and less water evaporation. It uses drip irrigation tape and is directly laid on the crop border. Irrigation can provide a good environment for the growth of crops in the shed.

Ⅰ. Irrigation methods for drip fertigation in greenhouses

With the help of the capillary force of the soil, the water penetrates and diffuses in the soil for the absorption and utilization of plant roots. The soil moisture is always in an unsaturated condition, which makes the soil fluffy and has strong air permeability, which is beneficial to plant growth. The principle of using hose drip irrigation is to irrigate frequently and irrigate less. Irrigation method: drip irrigation is to drip water evenly and slowly into the soil adjacent to the root zone of the plant through the dripper installed on the capillary. The irrigation volume is 715 cubic meters/mu at a time. The specific method is as follows.

1. When irrigating clean water, first open the suction tube on the fertilizer applicator, then open the water pipe valve to the maximum, and then connect the pressurized water source to start irrigation.

2. When fertilizing water, open the valve, turn on the switch of the fertilizer applicator's suction tube, fix the filter at the bottom of the fertilizer solution tank, and connect the water source to start drip fertigation. After the fertilization is completed, open the switch on the suction tube and open the valve to continue. Irrigate to flush out the remaining fertilizer in the pipe.

Ⅱ. The advantages of drip fertigation in greenhouses

1. Water saving. The hose drip irrigation technique can save about 70% of water evenly, and it can save more than 500 cubic meters of water per year for 667 square meters.

2. Improve fertilizer efficiency. With drip fertigation, fertilizers are concentrated in the roots of crops and are easily absorbed by crops, which improves fertilizer utilization and reduces costs.

3. Maintain a good soil environment. The soil of drip irrigation is relatively fluffy, the average degree of irrigation is as high as 80%-90%, the surface of the ground is not compacted, and the soil aggregate structure is not damaged, which is conducive to crop growth.

4. Reduce disease. Drip irrigation has a small amount of water and less soil moisture evaporation, which reduces the air humidity in the shed and reduces the damage caused by the disease.

5. Convenient management, saving labor and time, and easy to realize initiative.

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