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What Problems Should We Pay Attention to when Drip Irrigation and Fertilization?

What Problems Should We Pay Attention to when Drip Irrigation and Fertilization?

1. Why can drip trickle irrigation save fertilizer by 30% to 50%?

First of all, the use of water and fertilizer integrated drip tape irrigation system can easily realize a small amount of multiple fertilization, and can fertilize according to the law of crop fertilizer demand; secondly, it can reduce the waste of fertilizer caused by volatilization and leaching, thereby greatly improving the utilization rate of fertilizer.

Generally speaking, the lower the soil fertility level, the more obvious the fertilizer saving effect.

2. Drip irrigation can save 90% of fertilization and irrigation labor

Drip irrigation fertilization and watering do not need to go to the ground, do not need to open ditches, cover soil, and the speed is fast. The area of thousands of acres can complete the task of irrigation and fertilization within one or two days. Drip irrigation and fertigation is facility irrigation and fertilization. The operation and control of the entire system can easily complete the task of irrigation and fertilization with only one labor force. For concentrated crop planting areas and mountain orchards, the labor-saving effect is very obvious.

3. Which crops are suitable for drip trickle irrigation?

From a purely technical point of view, all crops can be installed with drip trickle irrigation. To measure whether a crop is suitable for installing drip trickle irrigation is mainly evaluated from an economic point of view and the way the crop is planted. Drip irrigation can be used for crops cultivated in rows, potted plants, various crops in mountainous areas, economic forests, medicinal materials, etc.

At present, crops such as cotton, potatoes, corn, grapes, citrus, bananas, flowers, greenhouse vegetables, and sugar beets are the most widely promoted.

4. What are the requirements for drip trickle irrigation on water quality?

Since the dripper is a precision component, there are certain requirements for the particle size of impurities in the irrigation water. The drip trickle irrigation requires a particle size of no more than 120 mesh to ensure that the dripper will not be blocked. If the water source filtration measures and equipment meet the requirements, well water, canal water, river water, mountain pond water, etc. can be used for drip trickle irrigation.

Therefore, the water source filter equipment is the core component of the drip trickle irrigation system. Most of the drip trickle irrigation systems cannot work normally because the filter equipment does not meet the requirements or is caused by neglecting to clean the filter.

5. Can organic fertilizer be applied in drip trickle irrigation?

The drip trickle irrigation system is a liquid pressure water delivery system, obviously solid organic fertilizer cannot be used directly. But we can use the biogas slurry made of organic manure, and apply it after sedimentation and filtration. Chicken manure, pig manure, etc. are decomposed and filtered for use. A three-stage filtration system is adopted, first filtering with a 20-mesh stainless steel mesh, then filtering with an 80-mesh stainless steel mesh, and finally filtering with a 120-mesh laminated filter.

The application of liquid organic fertilizer through the drip trickle irrigation system not only overcomes the disadvantages that may be caused by the simple application of chemical fertilizers, but also saves labor and trouble, uniform fertilization, and remarkable fertilizer efficiency.

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